2018 Is Here And The DAAWC Is READY!
The Strength of the Black Women's Vote has been on display in places like Virginia and Alabama. The Democratic African American Women's Caucus is ready to bring that strength to the state of Florida in the upcoming 2018 elections! We are ready to energize, and organize our communities to get out the vote and win elections!
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Latest DAAWC News & Events

Join us In Orlando, Florida August 17-18 at The Rosen Centre Hotel as we GET OUT THE VOTE for the Mid Term Election Primary August 28th! We have a stellar lineup of speakers, to include DNC Black Caucus Chair, Virgie Rollins, Tallahassee Mayor and current Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum, … [Read More...]

We Are Here And We Matter!
On March 24th, 2018, people from all over the world gathered in various places for the"March For Our Lives" protest, led by the courageous survivors of the Parkland, FL mass shooting. Over a million people alone gathered in Washington, D.C. The speeches given by these young people were heartfelt and … [Read More...]

Statewide Voter Registration!
The Democratic African American Women Caucus will be launching a statewide voter registration initiative! We have to be in it to win it! Our community has historically been the last community to be engaged, and we are going to make sure that doesn't happen for the primary in August or the general in … [Read More...]